
A New Approach
To A Better Life

Elevated Mental Wellness

A Goals Driven, Family Focused, Outcome Based,
Brain Centered Approach To A Better Life

Looking for more focus, calm, clarity, and drive in life?

Neurofeedback is the most effective brain training process that gently guides your brain into better function.
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When one member suffers, the whole family suffers.

We believe in treating the entire system, not just one piece of it. Family centered is the best choice for a healthy family.   MORE

When life hurts, time matters.

Outcome Based, Goal Driven, Solution Focused Transformations means you feel better and find direction FAST.  Don't settle for a life of therapy.  READ MORE

A Better life and wellness is possible.

At Elevated Mental Wellness, we know that everyone is entitled to a life free of emotional chaos and mental exhaustion.

Having a satisfying and happy life does not have to take years and is possible for everyone. We've all seen the jokes about laying on the Freudian couch for years on end. Through integrative techniques and a focused plan you can reach your goals faster and live a better life.

New research has identified that the pathway to a better life is not just about endless therapy or pills. When you address the core to mental health, results come fast. We believe at looking beyond the diagnosis and addressing the root of the distress, not just giving tools to manage. 

Finding balance in life does not have to take months or years. It also does not always require long hours in dark rooms baring your soul while dredging up the past. New techniques to address old problems allow us to help clients faster.

At Elevated Mental Wellness, we treat the whole system. Mental and emotional wellness is a balance of good brain health, physical wellness, supportive relationships, and emotional regulation. When you address all the elements that lead to distress, you finally find the solution that leads to a simpler happier life.

Learn More

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Download the eBook and learn more about what neurofeedback is, and how it can help you find the mental and emotional resilience you desire.

Click HERE or the image to get your free copy.

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Parenting is no longer a mystery. Brett's book Parenting with Discipline for a Change lifts the lid on why kids act out, and how you can keep calm and intervene with Discipline For A Change. 

Learn the Tools of Successful Parents. NOW

Media2222.pngGrieving is something that will impact all of us, but we don't have to go it alone. Pathway Through Grief is an only support and education program designed to help you find peace in your loss and hope in life.  

Learn more and get the eBook Tools at 2 AM. 

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Emerging research shows that emotional and mental health are symptoms more than the real issues. When you address the issues that lead to these symptoms, you create the pathway to real joy in life. LEARN MORE


Discover what emotional
freedom is really like



By helping the brain function at it's most optimal level and building the foundation for maximum performance, the majority of all distress can be eliminated. 

Find Your Balance - Now





About Elevated Mental Wellness

Elevated Mental Wellness was created on the reality to that everyone deserves a balanced, happy, and enjoyable life. We recognize that not every client is the same and not every treatment plan will be identical. We do all we can to tailor the work to the specific goals and needs of the individual client and work with you to reach those goals as fast as possible. 

Brett M. Judd LCSW has been working with individuals and families since 1991. As the areas longest provider of neurofeedback, he is the leading expert in personal transformations. Brett believes that every person has the potential for a fulfilling and rewarding life and his team do everything they can to get you results.



Download the FREE eBook -10 Tips To A Better Life - and take the Personal Wellness Inventory TODAY! Don't waste another day in distress. 

To schedule your own personal transformation consultation,
CALL -  208-904-3225

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